Roll the Cameras! 

For the eventual users of the project demonstrator, she is the face of LAOLA: speech therapist and public health scholar Sabrina Schröder has recorded important voice and speech exercises. As training instructions, these videos form the core of the LAOLA demonstrator.  

Face front: Sabrina Schröder for LAOLA

The LAOLA app is being tested with external users for the first time in April 2024, so the first batch of trainings videos has been recorded in October 2023. Sabrina Schröder demonstrated the individual training units of the LAOLA program in a professional recording studio. Behind the camera was Dr. Verena Uslar, who helped develop the concept for the exercise videos and documented the speech therapy units. Concept, editing, sound and post: The two project partners implemented the specialist content virtually on their own. 

Camera work by Dr. Verena Uslar

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