LAOLA in Hannover and Hildesheim  

Back to School for LAOLA Researchers: In Hannover and Hildesheim, LAOLA gave speech therapy students the chance to participate in its first study. 

Late in June, LAOLA researcher Sabrina Schröder (Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg) and Rica Schulze (University Lübeck) visited first Ross-Schule Hannover and Diakonie-Kolleg Hildesheim, two reputable institutions for the education and training of speech pathologists. Both events were part of LAOLA’s first major study, aiming at the collection of video data to train a Machine Learning Algorithm to give real time feedback to voice therapy patients who train with the LAOLA app. 

Engaging an interested audiences 

Sabrina Schröder and Rica Schulze delivered engaging presentations on speech therapy and the research behind LAOLA. Their Keynotes were well-received, sparking interest and curiosity among the students and faculty. 

Thanks to the excellent organization by both school’s administrations, successful testing sessions could be conducted with the students. Sabrina Schröder in particular, who is a speech pathologist herself, is looking forward to further collaborations with schools and research institutes. LAOLA thanks Lorena Müller, interim principal of Ross-Schule,  and Sandra Peitzmeier, principal of Diakonie-Kolleg Hildesheim, who played pivotal roles in ensuring the success of these sessions. 

If your institution would be interested in taking part in one of our LAOLA research studies, please get in touch. 

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